Already know a little bit of Spanish and looking to take up some lessons to improve? Curious about where your previous lessons have actually left you? Maybe you've done the Duolingo course, or you took Spanish when you were at school and know the basics. If you're anything like me, you've gone over the phrases "me llamo" and "cómo estás" so many times that they're permanently ingrained in your memory. Maybe you want to delve a bit deeper than just simple introductions - understanding more complex grammar, giving your opinion on a certain topic or even just being able to order confidently at a restaurant.
So how can you find out your level of fluency to pick the right course for you?
The CEFR is the official EU system that defines the different levels of language proficiency. It was originally created to test levels of English but has since been adapted to suit many other languages, including Spanish. The CEFR has six levels ranging from A1-C2, with A1 being basic sentences and everyday vocabulary to C2 being practically fluent. Many language schools run courses based on these six levels, just like here at Todo el Mundo! This means that you can start learning at the right level and easily understand what point you're at in your journey to fluency.

Test your fluency today to see what level is the best starting point for you!